I Remember...

as a child, I used to set up "still life" scenes that I would then sketch on my drawing pad. I would do this for hours perfecting my pencil strokes. My pencil strokes, in later years...high school to be exact...became expressions, as I strung words together in poetic form. I have always had an edge toward the creative side. I guess that is what lead me to this love I have for photography.

Self Portrait Studio Session

Life has taken me on a journey, a journey I wouldn't have traded for anything. It has lead me down the path of being a Wife, a Mom, a Counselor and now a MiMi. I would have to say as I reflect on the many turns of this beautiful journey, it is the pictures, that make me pause. Have you ever looked at a picture and actually recalled how you felt at that moment in time? That is what gives me such joy as a photographer...helping my clients create moments that can be relived time and time again. Remember, it is the journey that is the most important thing, not the end result.



“I cannot express how much I appreciate Lorrie. Not only is she an incredibly gifted photographer but she is incredibly kind as well. Her passion for photography and her compassion for the families she photographs comes through in every picture. She is a master at capturing genuine smiles and special moments instead of staged or posed pictures. The photos that Lorrie has taken have been my absolute favorite images and I have them proudly displayed...”


Let's create memories...

Fill out the contact form and I will get back with you as soon as possible. Please let me know what type of session you are wanting and your time frame.